IHI Webcast: Closing the Loop - Safer Ambulatroy Referrals in the EHR Era, Jan 10 2018

MartinaMartina Administrator admin
edited January 2018 in Quality Street

IHI/NPSF Professional Learning Series Webcast​
Both specialists and primary care practitioners (PCPs) are dissatisfied with the referral process, citing lack of timeliness among other issues. While electronic health records (EHRs) hold potential to address problems in the current referral process, they might also add concerns such as new types of communication breakdowns, lack of interoperability, and documentation burden.

What You'll Learn​: Upon completion of this webinar, attendees will be able to:

  • Describe the importance and goals of a closed-loop referral process
  • List general barriers that need to be considered
  • Identify both technical and process-oriented recommendations to optimize the ​reliability of the referral process

Read more: http://www.ihi.org/education/WebTraining/Webinars/closing-the-loop-safer-ambulatory-referrals-in-the-ehr-era/Pages/default.aspx

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