Michigan Health & Hospital Association Launches Hospital Quality Performance Comparison Website

MartinaMartina Administrator admin
edited March 2018 in Health Transparency

Michigan Health & Hospital Association has launched a new Website (VerifyMICare.org) to provide consumers and patients with easy access to information about the quality of healthcare provided at hospitals across the state of Michigan. The website, created voluntarily by the MHA and its member hospitals, provides quality data on a range of infections, C-section rates, readmissions, mortality, retained surgical items, early elective deliveries and more. The site enables users to compare hospitals' performance on quality measures across the state. Until now, timely and reliable information about the quality of care at Michigan hospitals has not been easily available to the public. With the launch of VerifyMICare.org, visitors can access quality of care data compiled from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the MHA’s Michigan Inpatient Database, and information voluntarily provided to the MHA by hospitals across the state.

Visit VerifyMICare Website: http://verifymicare.org/

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