Oct 09 2018 Tableau User Group Meeting: Agenda and WEBEX

Sybil_DSybil_D Member
edited October 2018 in My Groups & Collaboratives

The Lake Success Training Room and the Albany Mohawk Conference Rooms has been reserved for the onsite meeting. Please RSVP to the event on JENY here: https://jeny.ipro.org/event/28-oct-2018-tug-meeting-join-the-group-and-rsvp-here

Note: you must be logged into JENY, join the User Group to view the event and RSVP.

Proposed Agenda for the next Tableau Tuesday*:

  1. Introductions
  2. Sharing-
    • Tableau Company Updates - Joe Gulotta ( @jgulotta )
    • Demonstration by a Tableau User - we have a volunteer! Seif Salem ( @Seif )
  3. Learning-
    • Open Floor discussion for sharing tips and tricks or ask questions for help
      * Metabase
    • 'Where to find free datasets and useful data references?' - discussed by Sybil Dias ( @Sybil_D )
  4. Collaborating -
    • Health Iron Viz examples - Sybil Dias
    • Makeover Monday Challenge (details) - Pick a winner, discuss visuals and the next challenge! - Shaina Bass ( @Shaina_Bass )
    • Ideas for future meetings?

Lunch is provided for the onsite attendees. For IPRO employees unable to attend onsite, see Webex call-in information on the IPRO Calendar

* Tableau Tuesday - The second Tuesday of every month


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