RCSI research seeks to identify alternative healthcare structures to manage pressure ulcers

MartinaMartina Administrator admin
edited January 2019 in Quality Street

RCSI (Royal College of Surgeons Ireland) researchers, alongside researchers from the University of Manchester, have reviewed alternative ways of organizing health services in order to determine appropriate pressure ulcer treatment and prevention measures.

It is thought that the way in which health services are organized can affect the chances of bedsores developing for those already at risk. The research, published by the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, looked at alternative methods of delivering care by analyzing the data recovered from four clinical trials, totaling 499 participants.

One trial looked at ‘transmural care’, a model of health service delivery that engages patients and family members in activities, supporting them and promoting long-term care. Another explored the impact of ‘hospital-in-the-home’ care, which is focused treatment by healthcare professionals in a patient’s home rather than in hospital. The remaining studies compared standard care to care provided by a team of professionals within different areas of healthcare.

Read more: http://www.rcsi.ie/index.jsp?p=100&n=110&a=11717

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