N.J. Reduces C-sections Overall and for First-Time Moms

MartinaMartina Administrator admin
edited January 2020 in Quality Street

New Jersey's overall C-section rate dipped to 34.3 percent last year, marking the lowest rate this decade as the state focuses on reducing the number of C-sections performed in the Garden State. In addition, the number of C-sections performed in first-time, low-risk pregnancies fell to 26.63 percent in 2018, a 30 percent reduction since 2011.

Those were the findings in a new bulletin from the Center for Health Analytics, Research and Transformation (CHART) at the New Jersey Hospital Association, which analyzed data from more than 800,000 births between 2011 and 2018 to identify the improving trendline in C-section births. The bulletin, Delivering Results: New Jersey Makes Strides in Reducing Cesarean Section Rates, is available at www.njha.com/CHART.

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