
New Report on Hospital Performance on Leapfrog’s Surgical Volume Standard Based on 2019 Results

MartinaMartina Administrator admin

The Leapfrog Group released a new report – Safety In Numbers: Hospital Performance on Leapfrog’s Surgical Volume Standard Based on Results of the 2019 Leapfrog Hospital Survey. The report analyzes whether hospitals are performing a sufficient volume of high-risk surgeries to safely do so, and whether the hospital grants privileges only to surgeons meeting the Leapfrog minimum volume standard. The report also records whether hospitals actively monitor to assure that each surgery is necessary.

Read more at https://abouthealthtransparency.org/2020/02/new-report-on-hospital-performance-on-leapfrogs-surgical-volume-standard-based-on-results-of-the-2019-leapfrog-hospital-survey/

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