Group Search Results
Group Search Results
Welcome to the New York Social Work Group! This group is a group for inpatient and outpatient social workers who support the needs of the ESRD commun…7 discussions 43 members 43 7 Most recent discussion: Mental Health Resources by gmaisonet August 2019
Hi Team, This private JENY group has been established as a TEST to familiarize ourselves with the functionalities and features of this QI online comm…0 discussions 2 members 2 0
Hi Team, This private JENY group has been established as a TEST to familiarize ourselves with the functionalities and features of this QI online comm…0 discussions 1 member 1 0 Private Group
This group is dedicated to promoting Home Dialysis as a treatment option for End Stage Renal Disease. Please join us to discuss best practices, ask q…2 discussions 4 members 4 2 Most recent discussion: Why does New York State (NW2) only have 3% (1986/29851) patients using Home Therapies? by abennett March 2019
Performance Improvement Project10 discussions 36 members 36 10 Private Group
Please use this discussion group to share ideas, ask questions and access resources and information on testing/implementing huddles and performance b…8 discussions 9 members 9 8 Private Group
This is a private discussion group for senior leadership to share questions, ideas, resources and best practices for testing/implementing huddles/per…10 discussions 2 members 2 10 Private Group
This is a private group for IPRO improvement coaches to promote discussion and share information.24 discussions 22 members 22 24 Private Group
Welcome to our joint collaborative community forum! This forum was created to serve as a communication resource for anticoagulation management clinic…12 discussions 37 members 37 12 Private Group
Group and Discussion Forum for the SouthEastern Kidney Transplant Coalition Quality Improvement Project6 discussions 14 members 14 6 Most recent discussion: Authoritative Documentation - Release of Data, Authority to Collect and Analyze by Jaz-Michael King May 2017
IPRO Data Services REDCap User Group5 discussions 16 members 16 5 Most recent discussion: Readmission After Sepsis Hospitalization Common and Costly Study Finds by Martina March 2019
IPRO's Tableau User Group - we meet every second Tableau Tuesday of the month!48 discussions 37 members 37 48 Most recent discussion: MOVING TO GOOGLE GROUPS by Jaz-Michael King January 2020
NY Health and Recovery Plans Performance Improvement Project16 discussions 53 members 53 16 Private Group
NY Medicaid Managed Care Perinatal Performance Improvement Project16 discussions 63 members 63 16 Private Group
Home - References - Expert Panel22 discussions 65 members 65 22 Private Group